Bayerisches Staatsorchester: Pique Dame
Баварская опера: Пиковая дама
Director Benedict Andrews brings Tchaikovsky's Pique Dame to the Bayerische Staatsoper in a film noir aesthetic. Starring Brandon Jovanovich (Herman), Asmik Grigoryan (Lisa), an unconventional take on a well-known classic, and Tchaikovsky's invariably brilliant music - this dynamic and daring interpretation of The Pique Dame will not leave anyone indifferent.
3 hours 0 minutes with one intermission
Act 1
89 min
10 min
Act 2
81 min
Can be interesting for you

Nutcracker (Vaganova Academy)
“The Nutcracker” in the version of choreographer Vasily Vainonen and with original multimedia scenery is performed by artists of the legendary Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet
26 December, Thursday
18:00 RubLion Cinema Stolitsa Mall
Language: Russian, no subtitles